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in One
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Morse in One is a npm package for morse code. It has many functionality like encoding sentences in morse code. The `mcConvert` function can convert sentences into morse code in linear time.



Assuming that NodeJs and npm or any package manager are installed in your system. Make a project directory in your system.

$ mkdir project
$ cd project

Then initialize your package

$ npm init

If you are using npm :

$ npm install morse-in-one

If you are using yarn :

$ yarn add morse-in-one

Encode Morse

It has many functionality like encoding sentences in morse code. Thee `mcConvert` function can convert sentences into morse code in linear time.

import { mcConvert } from 'morse-in-one';
console.log(mcConvert('hello world!'));

Output :

.... . .-.. .-.. --- / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. -.-.--

Decode Morse

This package has a morse decoder function `mcDecode`, it decodes morse code into English.

import { mcDecode } from 'morse-in-one';
console.log(mcDecode('.... . .-.. .-.. ---'));

Output :


Class Object

MorseCode class has more functionality with clean code.

import { MorseCode } from 'morse-in-one';
const obj = new MorseCode('Hi, I am a Developer')

Output :

.... .. --..-- / .. / .- -- / .- / -.. . ...- . .-.. --- .--. . .-.

MorseCode Class Attributes :

Attribute Name Description
realStr Real input string
mcCode Morse code of input string
strLen Length of input string
mcLen Length of morse code of input string


import { MorseCode } from 'morse-in-one';
const newObj = new MorseCode('hi');

Output :



console.log(newObj.mcLen)//.... ..

Output :



console.log(newObj.mcCode)//.... ..

Output :

.... ..



Output :


MorseCode Class Methods :

Methods Name Description Parameteres
mcConvert() Encode into morse code None
mcDecode() Decode morse code into English None
calcStrLen() Return length of input string None
calcMcLen() Return length of morse string None
toJson() Create a JSON file with inputStr and outputCode keys. Single parameter : file name
toTxt() Create a TXT file with morse code text. Single parameter : file name

To Json File Export

This function takes two parameter, first is input string and a file name string and create a JSON file with "inputStr" and "outputCode" keys.

import { toJson } from 'morse-in-one';
const str = hello

Output :

JSON file { "inputStr": "hello", "outputCode": ".... . .-.. .-.. --- / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. -.-.--" }

To Txt File Export

This function takes two parameter, first is input string and a file name string and create a TXT file with morse code of input string.

import { toTxt } from 'morse-in-one';
const str = hello

Output :

TXT file contains .... . .-.. .-.. --- / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. -.-.--